Frequently asked question (FAQ)

On this page some frequently asked questions about Tiny Hexer are answered.

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Bugs already fixed in Tiny Hexer are listed in the version history.

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How can I prevent files from being opened in Tiny Hexer when accidentally doublecklicking them in Explorer?

By default, Tiny Hexer up to version associates itself with all file types, but not as the standard application. File types not having any standard association will possibly be opened in Tiny Hexer if they are doubleclicked in Explorer. To disable this behaviour, download and execute this .reg-file.

Note: As of version, a fresh installation doesn't associate all file types with Tiny Hexer but creates a shortcut in the "Send To" context menu of Explorer. WebUpdate installations (from the Help menu in Tiny Hexer) do not create the shortcut in the "Send To" context menu.

How can I prevent Tiny Hexer from creating an unnamed editor window?

There are two ways to start Tiny Hexer without showing an empty document window:

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Tiny Hexer Small Edition:

Tiny Hexer settings cannot get exported properly by regedit, so i cannot use predefined settings with BartPE!

Unfortunately, regedit is not able to export REG_SZ values containing line ending characters (CR, LF) properly, so such .reg-files cannot be imported successfully again. I'm currently thinking of using a different registry type (e.g. REG_BINARY), but that will pose some problems concerning the configuration management code in Tiny Hexer.

As of version, there exists a workaround: If you create a REG_SZ value "LOAD_INI"="1" under the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\\Tiny Hexer\1.0\_\ registry key, Tiny Hexer is forced to load its settings from the configuration file mpth_small.ini (in the small edition; mpth.ini in the full version) at startup. This .ini file must be located in Tiny Hexer's program folder. To create such a configuration file, use the "Options/Save Settings" command in Tiny Hexer (use the full version to create the settings file if possible, it does store more settings). The distribution package of Tiny Hexer Small Edition includes an example (look at mpth_small.inf and mpth_small.ini).

Tiny Hexer Small Edition does not start on WinPE!

There is a bug in version of mpth_small.exe which prevents it from working under WinPE. Please upgrade to the latest version.

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The new fast search algorithm does not work as expected!

The new faster Boyer-More-Horspool based search algorithm introduced in Tiny Hexer is based on an efficient code not written by me. I had to modify this code to use wildcard characters. Since i'm not a mathematician, i hardly understand the algorithm and might have done a mistake in my implementation. If the algorithm should not work as expected, please inform me! To disable this fast search algorithm, close Tiny Hexer, then download and execute this .reg-file and restart Tiny Hexer.

Note: The new search algorithm did not work in unicode mode in version This bug has been fixed in version

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Disk editing:

How can I write changes made on disk sectors back to the drive?

Since this command might be quite dangerous (Tiny Hexer does not lock disks, so you may overwrite disk data modified by the operating system or other applications), it is not available by default. You can enable the disk writing feature by downloading and executing this .reg-file. After restarting Tiny Hexer, the "File/Disk/Write Changes" menu command should be available.

What are the differences between sectors, absolute disk positions and caret positions?

Tiny Hexer cannot operate on a whole drive or partition for the time being, so you have to load a part of the disk's data into memory to edit that data.
Disk data is stored in sectors, each volume has a specific sector size. Usually hard disk volumes have a sector size of 512 byte, CDRoms' sectors contain 2048 byte of data.
So if you open a hard drive volume and select an amount of 16 sectors at once, 16*512=8192 byte of disk data are displayed at once in the editor.

Using the "File/Disk/Goto Sector/Position" menu command you can either navigate to a specific sector or an absolute position. If you choose an absolute position, the sector representing this position is loaded into the editor and the editor's caret will be set to the position relative to the sector that matches the selected absolute position.
An example: Choosing the absolute position 4711 on a hard disk (sector size 512 byte) will load sector 9 into the editor and set the caret to offset 103 as 4711 divided by 512 results in 9 (sector) and 4711 modulo 512 results in 103 (offset).

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